Interesting interview with Rockerrazzi where Mike talked about setting Chester on fire! Quoting Mister Shinoda:
You know, the economy being what it is, money is being a little tight for everybody... So we can't get the pyrotechniques we normally get so instead of that, I'm gonna just light Chester on fire. First show, we'll go big with this and we'll see what happen from there. I think it's gonna be pretty spectacular.
Did he know?
No, of course not. In my head it's going to be really fun and exciting and I see a lot... I mean, the screams of the song being really elevated, it's gonna be really awesome.
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Happy 34th birthday to Michael Kenji Shinoda!
You have walked a long, long road, mister. You have inspired the world in so many ways and we are grateful to know that you are still walking your road. Keep on creating beautiful music and art. Long live the magical couple Bennoda!
Time flies, indeed :)
Labels: happy birthday mike
Another show has been canceled due to Chester's bad health. Seems like his illness is more severe than we first thought. Mike posted something concerning this on his blog
February 10, 2011
Hi guys,
We are deeply disappointed that we’ve had to cancel our second show in a row. It’s been a long time since we’ve played in your town, and were excited for you to hear the new music and see the new production. As you know, it’s not often that we have to cancel a gig–Chester appreciates all the love you all have sent on the website, and we know that it will help him to bounce back soon.
We know it’s not the same, but we’d like to give you a free audio download of any show from this tour. If you purchased your tickets through, check your email over the next few days for details on how you will receive your refund and your download.
Mike and LP
PS: For updates on Chester’s health and the status of upcoming shows, go to
Also, on Mike's twitter:
And too!
33 minutes ago via web
Let's retweet and pray for our boy.
Labels: Mike's blog, news: Linkin Park
Linkin Park has been forced to cancel their February 10th show in Washington DC at the Verizon Center. Lead vocalist Chester Bennington is ill and under doctor's orders to refrain from performing. The band sincerely regrets this unavoidable cancellation and apologizes to fans for any disappointment caused. Tickets will be refunded at point of purchase beginning February 11th.
Get well soon, Chazy Chaz!
Labels: news: Linkin Park
Pictures from Montreal, Detroit, New York, Philadelphia and Boston

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Mike and Chester discussed the success of "Waiting For The End" with MTV yesterday
"I think we've ... maybe a switch went off in my head when Hybrid Theory went diamond [for certified sales of more than 10 million copies]. It's like, 'Nobody's going to have a diamond record [again], so why try?' " he continued. "We want to be happy — of course, we want the band to be successful — but, you know, at the same time, we do want to push the envelope and do things that are creatively challenging."
Read the whole article and watch the interview under the cut
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Happy birthday to our lovely Ginger Linkie a.k.a Mister Bassist Dave Michael Pharrell. Be more awesome this year, we love you!
All hail the laser catzLabels: happy birthday, pics: misc
Man, this whole Lunar New Year affair is killing me. Promise you guys we will update more frequently after today. Anywho, here's some Bennoda love on twitter!
from chesterbe: @ what a douche
9:06 PM Feb 4th via Twitter for iPhone in reply to m_shinoda
From mags tweets: @ Poor @ I pity him. We (the fans) are victims of your nonsense on Chat, LP shows, twitter, your blog, etc..It's terrible!
From chesterbe: @ fuck off then!
9:08 PM Feb 4th via Twitter for iPhone in reply to mags_tweets
From D_Shinoda12: @ It took you this long to follow Mike!? ..well, I suppose you probably already follow him around enough in real life ^^ jk, jk
From chesterbe: @ I know I'm a jerkface. I should have been following Mike.
9:21 PM Feb 4th via Twitter for iPhone in reply to D_Shinoda12
From m_shinoda: @ and I are bored in the SNL dressing room. Came up with a new game. Medieval Text-Abbreviations.
2:12 PM Feb 5th via Twitter for iPhone
Labels: twitter