Mike wanted to light Chester on fire
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Interesting interview with Rockerrazzi where Mike talked about setting Chester on fire! Quoting Mister Shinoda:
You know, the economy being what it is, money is being a little tight for everybody... So we can't get the pyrotechniques we normally get so instead of that, I'm gonna just light Chester on fire. First show, we'll go big with this and we'll see what happen from there. I think it's gonna be pretty spectacular.

Did he know?

No, of course not. In my head it's going to be really fun and exciting and I see a lot... I mean, the screams of the song being really elevated, it's gonna be really awesome.

You can download the video HERE (.FLV file, 9.3 mb) or watch it here:

Thanks Pinkbaba for sending in the video!

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