Chester: "Make some noise for Mike Shinoda. That is one fucking talented man right there."
Mike: "You're just saying that 'cause I got family in the house."
Chester: "And he's extremely handsome, too. Look at that guy."
Mike: "Hahahaha."
Chester: "You know, I can't say enough wonderful good things about Mike. I'm just glad he's in my band, you know what I'm saying?"
Mike: "You're terrible. The only reason you're saying that is because you lost a bet to me earlier. We were playing poker."
Chester: "I do owe you a lot of money so hopefully that takes off for about twenty bucks or something."
[Detroit, Michigan, 16th February 2008]
Chester: “Last year at the Kerrang awards, Mike got so drunk he didn't even know what he was saying.”
Mike: “You were drunk too. “
Chester: “But at least I could remember what I said.”
Mike: “…Yeah, I don't remember a thing. Chester only likes me when I'm drunk anyway.”
Chester: “No, I like you when you're sober, too. You're funny when you're drunk.”
Chester: "Mike, if you need to calm down just put your hand on my ass, it’s like a Buddhist prayer station."
[Q Magazine 2003]
Chester: “I think it's because of my strikingly good looks.”
Mike: “I think it's because of your strikingly bad looks.”
Chester: “I totally disagree. I think I'm the most important person...ever.”
Mike: “I think Chester's full of himself and I think that’s really hot!”
Chester: “Yeah, sometimes at night, you're full of me too.”
Chester: "Scott Weiland is a God!"
Mike: "Yeah we know, you talk about him 24/7!"
Chester: "You're just jealous!"
Mike: “Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.”
Chester: “And sometimes you feel like my nuts!”
Mike: "A lot has been made of the contrast between me and Chester because we are totally different in a lot of ways. He's crazy for a start off. I'm sane. He used to run around at the age of two singing Foreigner songs. I certainly didn't. He'll show you his butt. I wouldn't inflict that on anybody." ( Opposites Attract )
Chester: “Mike's so sweet”
Chester:" The best thing for me is that I have Mike in this band"
[Hit Parader Oct 05]
Mike: "I'm going to sprout wings out of my ass one day and fly around the world."
Chester: "Sounds like fun, can I join you?"
Mike: "Chester and I met at a male strip club."
Chester: "We were both trying to get jobs there as dancers."
Mike: "And it just didn't work out....because my butt wasn't big enough."
Chester: "Yeah and I've got what they call the crispy cream which is a little fat area around my belly button which is kinda like a donut."
Mike: "It's from eating too many donuts."
[Unknown 2001 interview]
Chester: "I had to work at coffee shops part time, just to have money to go eat at Sandy's Burger across the street from where we practiced. I went insane…. Sometimes at midnight I'd be knocking at Mike's door, 'I can't … do this, I can't do this, I gotta go, it's just insane, what … was I thinking?'
[Land of Linkin/LA Times June 18/2004]
Mike: "We wouldn't have let him go.Even if he drove back to Phoenix we'd figure out a way to make it work." (talking about Chester)
[Land of Linkin/ LA Times June 18/2004]
Chester: "There have been points where they (the fans) have actually overpowered the band, and we've actually stopped playing and let them sing the song and hold the microphones out ... [Shinoda mimes holding out mic] like that — thanks, Mike — and just let them do their thing. It's a lot of fun to actually have to stop playing."
Mike: "That's actually why we have two singers, so that we can just do that type of thing. Like, when I'm talking, Chester can hold the mic out like so: [Bennington mimes holding out mic] See? We're good at that. That's how it works."
Chester: "We're a team. Wow. Sometimes I'm amazed that we're not just, like, one person."
[Made to be broken/MTV Mar 9 interview 2001]
MTV: "You guys really don't know what your next single's going to be?"
Chester: "We have no idea."
Mike: "Good job, Chester. Good boy."
[Made to be broken/MTV interview Mar 9 2001]
MTV: "Let's talk a bit about how you guys started up the band. How did having the two of you as singers come about?"
Chester: "I'm actually a lab experiment. I was raised in a petri dish at the UCLA biomedical center."
Mike: "And we just grew to like him, so we kept him around."
Chester: "And I just grew."
[Made to be broken/MTV interview March 9 2001]
MTV: "Yes. Two frontmen, it's not something that's common."
Chester: "I think one of the ideas behind it is, in my opinion, bands up to this point that have tried to mix different styles, especially in hip-hop and rock and stuff, there's either a guy who can rap but isn't a very good singer, or it's the opposite: He's a good singer but not necessary that talented as a rapper. Our idea was basically not to even worry about that. We have a really good rapper."
Mike: "And we have a very good singer. From my point of view, the thing we saw in Chester right away was he's someone that's been singing his whole life, and I'm somebody that's been rapping my entire life, so it just seemed natural. We've spent a lot of time working on what we do."
Chester: "And for some reason we like each other".
Mike: "He likes me a lot, and I can't stand him".
Chester: "Oh. I guess not, then."
[Made to be broken/MTV interview March 9 2001]
Q: "What do you guys do for fun?"
Chester: "We make fun of Mike's head"
Chester: "Family values means to us that Mike can wear a dress on the bus and we'll still love him."
Interviewer: "Who has the worst habits in the band?"
Chester: "I would say that I'm probably the most annoying. There's a reason for it."
Mike: "NO!"(why did he freak out? :P)
Brad: "C'mon Chester!"
Chester: "I'm always touching them in their privates!"
Brad: "Yeah, Chester the molester!"
Mike: "I'm not a very reading person, I like to look at pictures."
Chester: "Mike likes porno."
Mike: "I don't like porno. I like graphics..."
Mike: "Chester? He likes to show off his butt. He wouldn't have the tights that most wrestlers have. He would have a g-string."
[Shoutweb Interview 2000]
Mike: "I feel like a dog" (as Chester puts a spikey collar on him)
Chester: "I think you look butch"
Chester: "I'm a big dork."
Mike: "You have a big dork too."
Chester: "Yes, I know."
Chester: "Shut up when I'm talking to you before I whip out my friend and give you mushroom stamps!"
Mike: "Yeah, your little friend! Haha!"
Chester: "Oh you would know wouldn't you?"
Mike: "Oh baby,you know it!"
Mike: "I remember Chester mooning people up and down Bourbon Street, and he and I have a thing for stealing golf carts."
Mike: "You haven't lived until you've seen Chester in unitard."
Mike:"just went to a screening of the movie (CRANK) with chester and some of the guys...just so you're prepared, his scene is about a minute long, and he says a couple lines. i thought he looked GREAT in the film--really natural and he pulled the character off well. we're so proud of him."
[Fort Minor Message Board]
Mike: "I'm just working on the new Linkin Park stuff. Chester hasn't been feeling great, so I have to work twice as hard on the vocal stuff. I know if I'm not feeling good, he'll do the same for me."
[Fort Minor Message Board]
Mike: "I'm in the studio today with Chester working on the new LP stuff. Chester says to tell you he has gas. I hope he's lying. He also put a Fort Minor cellphone sticker on his phone. It looks great."
[Fort Minor Message Board]
Mike: "Most of us met a long time ago. Brad and I met in junior high and we met Rob in high school, we met Joe in college."
Chester: "And they made me in college in a chemistry class. They copied Frankenstein's work and used pieces of dead people, which is why I have to wear this (touches his spiked collar), to hide the scar tissue."
Mike: "Except we were in art school. That was the whole problem. In art school, and there were no really good chemistry classes - so look what we came up with!"
Mike: "I almost ran over Chester with a golf cart when we were in Florida."
Chester: "That was pure evil."
Mike: (sniffs) "Who laid the egg?" (looks at Chester)
Chester: (smiles) "QUACK QUACK"
Chester: "My pants are so fucking tight, I can't get up on the fucking stage. It's ridiculous."
Mike: "Maybe you should wear Ryan from Julien-K's bathing suit... it looked like a girl's bikini bottom."
Chester: "Yeah, that's what everyone wants to see, is me in a man-kini."
Mike: "How many people wanna see Chester in a man-kini?" {audience screams}
Chester: "You know what would be the worst part of that? Is the only place I grow hair is like right here on my leg."
[PR 07/ Darien Center/ New York/ Aug 18]
Mike: "This is a song we wrote about Chester's butt." (leads into In The End)
[PR 07/Cuyahoga Falls/Ohio August 17]
Before 'In The End'
Chester: "I think someone licked my belly button... that was wierd"
Mike: "That's so foul, I feel violated for you. Don't lick my belly button ever, but you can sing."
After 'In The End'
Mike: "That's the advantage to having a shirt on Chester"
[PR 07/Cuyahoga Falls/Ohio August 17]
Mike: "It's rocket time."
Chester: "Little red rocket... little red rocket... dude, you know what we call the red rocket at our house?"
Mike: "What do you call the red rocket?"
Chester: "The lipstick."
Mike: (laughter) "Uh, so disgusting..."
[K-Rock LP Hostile Take Over Aug 28/07]
Mike: "You can put a little parental warning every time we start talking, wait, here we go... Uh, the following comments are not the thoughts or views of Krock or the radio station, they are the thoughts and views of Chester Bennington and his dirty fucking mouth."
[K-Rock LP Hostile Take Over Aug 28/07]
Chester: "And just in case some part of this segment that we're doing gets back to the Art of Chaos guys... stop putting your stickers in my neighborhood... all over the stopsigns. It's annoying, dude, it's like... oh I'm at the stoplight: Art of Chaos. Oh I'm at the stopsign: Art of Chaos. Oh, I'm sitting here in the... urinal of McDonalds: Art of Chaos. It's like... I get it."
Mike: (laughter) "That's great."
Chester: "You know? No one pays attention to that stuff. Put your money into other things besides stickers."
Mike: "Well, or put the stickers up in places where it makes sense, like, you know, the bathroom at the strip club."
Chester: "Yes! On a stripper!"
Mike: "On the stripper's bum. And when he shakes his butt..."
Chester: "He? What kind of strip club are you going to, dude?"
Mike: "The same kind we always go to, Chester!"
Chester: (laughter) "Dude!"
Mike: "Come on... oh, dude dude."
Chester: "Dude."
[K-Rock LP Hostile Take Over Aug 28/07]
Mike: "Umm ohk...we'll play one of our songs to get...to get your your whistles wet, doesn't it sound wrong when you say wet your whistle..."
Chester: "Mmmmm sounds like fun."
[K-Rock LP Hostile Take Over Aug 28/07]
Chester: "Hello kitty. Thank you."
Mike: "How'd I do tonight Chester?"
Chester: "Dude, that's a mighty pink pussy you had on your hands right there."
Mike: "You're dirty, man. He's so dirty."
Chester: "I fucking love it, dude."
[KROQ Weenie Roast 07/19th May/Irvine, CA]
Chester:(banging on the drums)
Mike: "See him smiling...thats because of that dope shit I spit in his ear"
Chester: "Man"
Mike: "See what I'm saying"
[Making of MTM]
Q: "Which of your songs do you consider the hardest to play?"
Chester: "The Song Remains the Same" by Led Zeppelin."
Mike: "Our songs, Chester."
Chester: "Oh..."Sympathy" by Beethoven."
Mike: "Answer one question seriously at some point."
Chester: "Me?"
Mike: "It's not just you, we're all doing it."
Chester: "OK I'll be completely serious."
Mike: "No, don't be completely serious."
Mike: "I want to see more pictures of Chester naked. Or at least one of him mooning someone, which shouldn’t be a hard picture to find. He likes to show people his butt."
[Linkin Park Web Interview, September, 2000]
Metal-is: "Yeah, where does this come from? I never mistook you for a boy band."
Chester: "We're sooo boy bandish, aren't we?"
Mike: "Here's the thing: we didn't really hear about that until we left the US. In the US, I think I heard a rumour through my brother that somebody started back East, but for the most part, nobody has even heard that before. Maybe it's the fact we've never been out here before and the lack of communication between fans and ourselves made that happen, but almost every interviewer has asked something about this boy band thing, and it's freaking ridiculous, it's so silly!"
Chester: "I think it's because of my strikingly good looks."
Mike: "I think it's because of your strikingly bad looks."
[Interview by: metal-is.com]
"Shut Up When I'm Talking To You!" (Part I)
26 Jan 2001
Metal-is: "You just mentioned (hed) Planet Earth and you toured the States with them and Papa Roach recently. Was that all young-lads-out-on-the-road type fun?"
[Rob: "Yeah, that was a great tour. We actually became really good friends with all those guys."]
Mike: "Except for that damn Coby! He's real mean to us! He has nothing nice to say, and he always makes fun of me and Chester! And BC from (hed) Planet Earth calls us a naughty word! BC kept calling me and Chester 'vaginas'!"
Chester: "You know what else I noticed about BC? I kept seeing him kissing other men! (All laugh uproariously.) He even kissed me on the mouth once; I was like, "Dude, back off!" No, we love all those guys, they're so cool."
[Interview by: metal-is.com]
"Shut Up When I'm Talking To You!" (Part I)
26 Jan 2001
Mike: "Chester met Scott Weiland for a second and couldn't even say a word to the guy, 'cause he was so star-struck!"
Chester: "I meet a lot of people, dude, and I've never been star-struck, but I met Scott and I was like, "Hi Scott - my name is durrrh" He was like, "Are you alright, dude?" and I was like, "Yeah - I mean, my name's Chester and I think you're great, I just wanted to tell you" I felt like a total schmuck! He was like, "Well, are you in a band or what?" and I was like, "Yeah, I'm in a band called Linkin Park" and he was like, "You just played today, right?" and I went, "Yeah" and he went, "I've heard real cool things about you - good luck!" and I was like, "Nargggh" And I mean, when I met him, I was in the middle of talking to the bass player from Green Day and these bands are like of the same calibre, but talking to the bass player from Green Day, I was totally comfortable - "Yeah, dude, what's up, man? It's cool to meet you!" - and here comes Scott and I'm like, "Urrrgh!" I don't know why - maybe I'm gay!"
Mike: "You probably are! You've always got that couple of people that you grew up admiring, and you've spent too much time thinking about how awesome they are to be able to have a decent conversation with them."
Chester: "But there's an exact opposite to this story that happened recently, when I met Tommy Lee. He came up to us after we played a pretty big show in California and he was like, "Hey, dude, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Tommy, and you guys have a great record!" and I'm like, "Whoa! Come on, dude, you're not interested in me! I should be kissing your ass, you're like a legend!" And we ended up hanging out and had a couple of drinks together and exchanged phone numbers."
[Interview by: metal-is.com]
"Shut Up When I'm Talking To You!" (Part I)
26 Jan 2001

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