Chester (about Mike):"You're so talented it makes me sick... I fucking love you man!"
[Hong Kong show , November 20th 2007]
Chester (to the crowd):"You guys are ruthless. You grabbed my broken arm, man! The next time someone touches me, I'm going to hit (that person)"
Mike :"Would you hit me if I touched you? How about if I squeezed your buttocks?"
[Singapore show 13th November 2007]
Chester: (sing) "Don't think you're having all the fun, you know me, I hate Mike Shinoda."
[twisted 'Wish' lyrics - Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, California, 5th September 2004, Projekt Revolution Tour]
Chester (said to Mike):"They wanna be serenaded by your beauty and talent. You're like a glorious unicorn from the heavens. Gilded rainbow."
Mike :"Now you're fucking me up."
[28th January 2008, London, England, O2 Arena, Winter European Tour]
Mike: "If anybody can figure out what our secret is, there will be a whole bunch of Mikes and Chesters out there. It's the differences between us that makes it work so well. When we started out we barely knew each other, but somehow it all came together. It seems to be working pretty well."
[Mike Shinoda's top 10 double acts - Article]
Mike (about Chester) : "He and I can talk about anything in the world, no matter how retarded, for hours, and hours, and hours, and never get tired of each other, or bored with one another."
[Hit Parader]
*Gay robot voice*
Mike: "Hi what’s going on?"
Chester: "What a night…"
Mike: "What’s up guys?"
Chester: "Hey guys how you doing?"
Mike: "So we’re just gonna like, take some calls right?"
(The host of the show, Stryker and Dr. Drew)
Stryker: "That voice you hear is not the real gay robot."
*Gay robot voice*
Mike: "Yes it is, it’s pretty sweet."
Chester: "Take your pants off."
Stryker: "…Xero=Hybrid Theory=Linkin Park=Fantasmic…"
Mike: "Did you say orgasmic?"
Stryker: "…and orgasmic all in one."
*Gay robot voice*
Chester: "What Mike said..."
Mike: "It is LoveLine."
[Linkin Park on Lovelive show - 3rd April 2008]
Mike: "Linkin Park obviously headlining once again…also on the bill…I try to drag it out a bit…"
Chester: "Hold on I got it, I got it, Chris Cornell--"
Mike: "Ah man, No, I wanted the suspense…Suspense!"
Dr. Drew: "These guys have been together way too long, they starting to fight."
Chester: "He won’t even hold my hand anymore."
[Linkin Park on Lovelive show - 3rd April 2008]
Talking about The Bravery
Chester: "…I watch these guys play. They we’re awesome. I saw them after the show. Told them they kicked ass, (excused my language.)"
Mike: *Gay voice* "… You can say ass."
Chester: *Laughs* "…ass!"
[Linkin Park on Lovelive show - 3rd April 2008]
Talking about “Given up”
Chester: "Sometimes dropping the f bomb is necessary….Well when we were writing “Given up”…you know it’s very important to us (it still is) we like to find the best way of explaining what we’re feeling or what we’re trying to describe in a lyrical way that isn’t cheap. And so we try to do that. And so when we’re doing the chorus for “Given Up” Mike was just like “I really want you to say something that like, you would say in real life.” And so I did. Some of those things that I’ve said, we ended up changing the lyrics. But we felt like, it actually felt real…it actually was real, and it felt very believable. And so, then when we got to the bridge, we literally kept that going. And so just out of nowhere I just kind of started screaming “Put me out of my misery” and that kind of came out, and the 18 second long scream came, and like all this energy came out of that. And it was like, we can’t change that… Mike even said that we never can convince the band that we can keep this."
Mike: "…At the point when we were doing the song, the scenario Chester was talking, we actually rewritten the lyrics a whole bunch of times, and when the two of use decided “Hey, you know what this needs, it need these words” and we look at each other like “This is never going to fly, like the rest of these guys going to see this and be like ‘yeah you know you rewritten it five times and guess what, you on six now, it’s not happening” And sure enough we said let’s just try it, go for it…just go for it, maybe it’ll work out. And he sang it and we’re immediately convinced, we love it, and as soon as the other guys heard it they knew too…"
Stryker: "Was Rick Rubin in the room right then?"
Mike: "No it was actually just the two of us at that point."
Chester: "We did most of the vocal work together, and then once we have something finalized, we felt was really closer, we would take it to Rick, then he would kind of give us direction."
Mike: "I’ll say the band… the other four guys in the band were harsher critics than Rick was when it comes to the lyrics."
Chester: "For sure."
[Linkin Park on Lovelive show - 3rd April 2008]
Talking about Bennoda
*Mike and Chester (well, mostly Chester) talking about Bennoda*
Caller: "I wanted to know if you guys knew anything about Bennoda?"
Mike: "Bennoda?"
Chester: "Yes I’ve seen some things on Bennoda."
Mike: "What is that Chester?"
Chester: "Well did you see? Are you talking about the one where uuumm…Well there are couple of Bennoda things right?"
Caller: "Yeah…"
Chester: "One is like Broke Back Mountain Bennoda…"
Caller: "Yeah Bennoda Mountain."
Chester: "Yeah Bennoda Mountain."
Caller: "It’s basically like a Brangelina thing except with you guys…"
Chester: *talking to Mike* "Yeah, they like have me and you doing these stories online…it’s pretty awesome."
Mike: "Broke Back Mountain stuff?"
Chester: "It’s pretty awesome… yeah…I think it’s great…it’s pretty awesome…What about it?"
Caller: "I just want to know if you guys knew about it… cause there's like crazy people out there, and there is like entire sites devoted to it…I just wanted to know if you guys knew about it…"
Chester: "Yep… people could do whatever they want on the internet."
Mike: *Avoiding the subject* "…We made a decision a long time ago when we first put linkinpark.com online and we put up a message broad. And the question was do we moderate it? And edit it or delete stuff that is questionable? Or like for example can you go on linkinpark.com and say “Fuck Linkin Park their worse band on the universe, and I want to kill them.” Can you say that? Yeah, you can say it. Kill them part a little questionable, but the “I hate the band part” totally ok. And we made that decision a long time ago and ever since then we just follow through with that. It’s like if somebody going to write something, or make some crazy thing up, we gotta do our best to find the humor in it, cause it’s going to happen."
Chester: "I think you should check out Bennoda Mountain. It’s pretty awesome."
Mike: *Avoiding the subject again* "…I actually seen…my favorite “I hate Linkin Park” thing that I saw online was this guy who literally went to our show…he went to the show, he didn’t buy tickets, he went to the parking lot and basically went around explaining to people why they shouldn’t listen to us. In the parking lot of our show, he’s spending his day doing that…"
[Linkin Park on Lovelive show - 3rd April 2008]
Gangsta Bennoda
Chester: "Yeah!"
Mike: "Yeah!"
Chester: "Yeeuuhh!"
Mike: "Insane in the brain!"
[Linkin Park on Lovelive show - 3rd April 2008]
Chester: "Respect the c*ck, tame the c*nt."
Mike :"We can't say that!"
Chester :"Stryke is gay, he likes to suck c*ck, he likes to suck c*ck, and put it in his ass."
[Linkin Park on Lovelive show - 3rd April 2008]
If you were to switch bodies with Mike [Shinoda] for day, what things would you get up to?
From: Joe, New Castle, Upon, Tyne
Chester :"Mike is one of the most talented people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. He's a genius. I'd like to be Mike in his studio for a day and work out how he does his things so well. He's so creative, so I'd steal some of his ideas and freak him out with them the next day. I'd be like,: 'You know that song you were thinking about? Here it is. Oh, and that painting you were thinking of doing? I already did that too.'"
[Kerrang Magazine - 18th June 2008]
When was the last time Chester and Mike had a fight and what was it about?
From: Billy Rawden, Somerset
Chester :"I don't think I have ever fought with Mike. I've never even really had an argument with him. We all get along so well. Having said that, when I used to drink, apparently I wasn't much fun to be around - I, on the other hand, thought I was awesome. But, rather than confront me about it or have an argument, the other guys basically just wouldn't hang out with me. Most of the things I used to get upset about then turned out, in the end, to be my fault anyway. I'd go crazy over things, screaming, 'Who smashed pudding all over my face when I was sleeping in my bunk. You're all assholes!'. Then, six months later, I'd remember that I bought the pudding at the drive-through when I was drunk and passed out while I was eating it. So, oops, sorry guys."
[Kerrang Magazine - 18th June 2008]
Chester: "Would you guys make some noise for Mike Shinoda!"
Mike: "Would you guys make some noise for Chester Bennington!"
Chester: "The reason why I say that is because every once in a while I just like to appreciate how much fucking talent this guy has right here."
Mike: "The reason I like to say that every once in a while is because I look over and I see that you have a very nice butt!"
[Mannheim, Germany, SAP Arena, 24th June 2008]
Chester: "Make some noise for Mike Shinoda, man. Here every once in a while I have to say all the nice thing I can about this guy. He's so fucking talented, man. Make some noise for him."
Mike: "Thank you guys very much. Good night!
[30.07.2008 Charlotte, NC, Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre, Projekt Revolution Tour]
Chester: "My son Draven does this thing where he said something like 'I can have a candy? Right? Ya?' ...Mike just did that."
Mike: "I call myself out..."
Chester: "Good show? Ya?"
[Irvine, 10th August 2008, Projekt Revolution Tour]
Chester: "Well.. Uhm.. Mike Shinoda aka Spike Minoda aka Shinizzle aka... Mike"
Mike: "Chestah.. The.. uh... mascot of the band is Chester Bennington aka.. Uhm.. Elvis"
Chester: "M-M-M-Miiike Shinoda. That's another nickname."
Mike: "I can not reveal why we call Chester Chelvis."
Chester: "The best thing about Mike.. Uhm.. You know, Mike has got a pretty, a really good sense of humour. He is pretty sharp."
Mike: "The best thing about Chester is that he is really passionate and the worst thing is that he is really passionate."
Chester: "The most annoying thing about Mike? Uhm.. I can't stand his talking about the pimple on his nose for a couple days anymore. That's really annoying. He is probably going to punch me for saying that."
Phoenix: "He will never see that."
Chester: "Yes!"
[MTV Master 2007]
Chester :"Give it up for Mike fucking Shinoda!"
Mike :"That's funny, I changed my middle name to 'Fucking' right before the show."
[Blossom Music Center, Cuyahoga Falls, OH show, 19th August 2008]
Mike :"Chester actually gave me a painting for.. this year. It's my first Chester Bennington's. It's on my wall. It's pretty awesome. And it turns out that Chester is pretty damn good at painting."
[MTV Essential 2007]
Mike: "Hey Chester, you're the best singer in rock 'n' roll.That's you."
Chester: "Fucker...I'm blushing, dude. Thanks a lot."
Mike: "Second best though tonight especially, is these guys. Listen I'm telling you."
Chester: "Yeah..."
[Journal Pavilion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 6th August 2008]
Mike: "How you guys out there feeling right now? You're feeling pretty good? You sound great. And you sound great too, mister. Mister Chester."
Chester: "It sounded a hell a lot better than I do."
Mike: "Does anybody else wanna call bullshit on that right now? Not to-not to put - it's not a judgement call on you guys cause you guys are just singing your hearts out and we do appreciate that and we love you guys. But come on, man, give yourself some fucking credit up here."
Chester: "Alright, alright..."
Mike: "For the fucking big rockstar that he is, he sure beats up on himself a lot and I hate to see that because you kick ass, bro."
Chester: "I'm fragile- "
Mike: "You kick ass."
Chester: "...I'm a fragile man."
[Ford Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 29th February 2008, North American Arena Tour]