001.Breaking The habit
*Breaking The Habit: Back in 2003 (from Meteora release to LP Australia and Asia tour), Chester refused to sing this song when Linkin Park went on tour because it brought up so many pains from his dark personal history. This special song which means a lot to Chester was written by no one else but his co-writer/vocalist, Mike.
[Article: Chester Bennington Remembers His Struggling Years/March 20, 2004/Corey Levitan/Circus (US)]
"When Mike wrote it, I said, 'I swear to God you wrote this song about me.'" says Bennington, phoning from Columbus, Ohio, on a break from a tour with support acts P.O.D., Hoobastank and story of the Year.
"It took me a long time to be able to perform the song," Bennington says, "because I had such an emotional connection. I would break down in tears."
002.Skull Blossom
*Skull Blossom: You can see a painting named 'Skull Blossom' that Chester made for Mike (aww) in the Projekt Revolution 07 Art Book: Revolution Unseen/The hidden art of Projekt Revolution.
"Most people don’t really know that I have been an artist my whole life because I’ve never been formally trained and mainly do it for fun. I made the Skull Blossom painting for Mike and I’ll never forget the look on his face when he realized that I had painted it myself, he and the rest of the band were like, “You did this? We had no idea, who knew?” -chester

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